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Entrée au niveau M2

Students from France entering the M2 level

To apply at the M2 level, a student must have a 4-year degree (240 ECTS, M1 or 4-year Bachelor) in the Life Sciences (or in another discipline while having demonstrated their interest for the Life Sciences through optional courses and/or internships).

There is only one application track to the Master year 2 (M2) of the Interdisciplinary Master in Life Sciences (IMaLiS) for French students, whether or not they apply to the Q-Life/IMaLiS scholarship program. This program offers competitive stipends (6,000 €/year) and is designed to support French students with a Master 2 degree (or equivalent) in a scientific discipline other than Life Sciences. For further information, see the Q-Life/IMaLiS page.

Admission to IMaLiS (2024-2025 now closed) goes through the PSL platform.
Candidates preselected by the program committee will be invited by e-mail for an interview by visioconference (with additional remote interviews for candidates to scholarships scheduled).

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